A Collage of guess who?

This blog is an expression of the freedom to just "let go" in my spirit. The music captures and defines things I'm sure about and...some things I'm not so sure about it. It expresses emotions that I'm not quite able to put into words other than, "yeah..get it on bro." The purpose is simply mean to reach out and provoke you into a sense of greater authenticity.

It also has an international flavor for my followers who like to sample cuisines other than American. There's a variety of photographs of friends, my own pics...things that are important to me..my country and its foundations and monuments across this great land that cause me to be greatful. You'll read pieces about love, pain, loneliness and some of the things in life we need to think more about.

Try our specialties. They come with dessert.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Just Hate It When....

I have nothing but the best intentions to help a hurting person or a stranger and they are suspicious because the guy who came along before me did a number on them.

I smile at someone with genuine kindness in my heart and am just trying to be nice and the sad soul thinks I want something from them, when all I want to do is give them a bit of cheer.

I ask a person how they are doing and they say “fine” because they think that’s what I want to hear since nobody else really cared enough to listen after they asked “How are you?”

I speak to someone and they have to weigh their words, with such intensity of thought, because of past bad memories for fear they will be misjudged or their real self might dare be touched.

I give a kid five bucks and his mom says, “No thank you. We don’t accept gifts from strangers,” while I believe a friend is only a person I haven’t met yet.

I tell the truth and people think there’s something wrong with being honest and I soon become an outsider because of it.

I look at an incredible woman and think, “Wow…look what God has made,” and my glance causes her to be repulsive. I’m just feeling happy to admire a miracle of creation. A few of us men still see people as people, not things to abuse, devalue, underestimate, misunderstand or apprehend, but rather embrace and comprehend.

Another man stands up and says, “On behalf of all men…” and I’m thinking…”This clown is clueless.”

I’m willing to do anything and everything, not out of desperation, but with pleasure, to like someone or love someone and they just don’t get it. I’m not the one that loses; they are.

I’m prepared to go the second mile and Joe Schmoe can’t even find the highway.

I give 100% and the person benefiting from it is as shallow as a thimble.

I ‘m asked to pray for people and they don’t really expect God to hear, but He does. Why pray to a God that doesn’t pay attention? For that matter, why talk to anyone who doesn’t listen? Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

I ask a man how wife is is doing and he says, “Fine,” and then I ask him again and he says, “I don’t know.”

I look at all the beautiful things in the world God has created and say to a person, “How can anyone doubt there is a God?” and all they can do is stand and stare speechlessly at me without expressing anything whatsoever.

I discover that so many are suffering in so many parts of our country and the world and I encounter the attitude, “It’s not my problem. Let somebody else take care of it.”

I’m willing to understand, while others don’t even want to know. You’ve got to know before you can understand.

I’m willing to give love and someone else can give me fourty seven reasons why they shouldn’t be loved.

I believe that people are the most important part of living and someone else says. “You re exactly right” and they live totally contrary to what they profess.

The answers to the obvious are so clearly ignored and those who could have benefited the most, later complain.

I fail to realize that there’s more to life than my exclusive, personal fulfillment. That’s really something worth hating. That’s also worth not forgetting.

Copyright © 2008. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I remember a time when I wondered,
What is a pretty thing?

I thought other people seemed to know.But why didn’t I?

Were pretty things just for other people?
Or, was it just not in the cards for me.

Was I dumb, or stupid?
Or did I just not know what was going on?
Maybe I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.

I was too young. I didn’t know the world very well.

Maybe I just had poor taste and lacked good breeding.

What happened to me?
How can a young man’s dreams be gone?
Where had my imagination disappeared to?
Do you suppose I wanted to be a millionaire clone?

Then I began to look around.
Bright lights, lovely music, enchanting aromas,
Beautiful atmosphere, elaborate decor, charming gifts,
Warm and happy feelings, intriguing novelties,
Pleasant people, laughter and singing, the world’s best of Everything.
How could it be?
There at my finger tips…..pretty things.

Then I awakened.
I had seen pretty things before.
I remembered my mother.
I remembered Christmas.
I remembered how my mother made Christmas pretty.

Come holiday time, mother sent me into the woods.
She said, “Bring back some holly, and a small leafless tree
If you could. Wait until I get through with it,
And you’ll see it is going to be something pretty;
It’s going to be something good.”

Then mother would come home from the office,
With two giant cardboard rolls;
I’d wonder “what in the world will
She do with this?
is she now building telephone poles?”

She said, “Get me some silver wrapping paper;
And bring me some red ribbon too;
I’m going to turn this into a candle.
You’ll see it’s going to be a pretty thing;
watch what I’m going to do.”

Then there were the fancy table arrangements.
They almost always were homemade.
I could never forget those.
Mother had the cutest ideas.
“I need Styrofoam, paper, and old shoe and some paint.”
Mother turns her head for a moment;
And off to work she goes.

Mother always tried to create pretty things.
As a kid I didn’t always notice;
“Wherever there is a will, there’s a way,”
she’d often remind me.

Mother never gave up.
Pretty things.
I remember, mother.
There is more that’s really pretty,
Than at first catches the eye.
Thanks for helping me see what’s really pretty;
What you did for my sis and I will always be pretty.
Your memories of what is pretty will never, never die!

Copyright © 2006. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.

Unity is a Gift From God

Unity is an unconditional, God-given gift of bonding, which transcends the natural circumstances, in defiance of the odds and values of man that would dictate what should be otherwise. Unity is the power of God’s love in us that moves and convicts us to obey God because of a higher purpose than our own fulfillment, comfort, or pleasure. It is the power to do the right thing, for the right reason because only God’s power can unite people with each other. Agreeing with God changes the outcome of what is impossible or more difficult otherwise. Unity can not be wrought in the flesh, if it is spiritual unity, but only in the Spirit. What is ultimately birthed in the Spirit and must be completed in the Spirit, and manifested in the natural, is in proportion to the changes we are willing to allow God to do in us, in our hearts and minds, and also within our wills.

The forces of evil are arrayed all around us. They do so in part because of willful souls desiring something other than righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, which can only be found in the Kingdom of God. When we seek a kind of unity that is not kingdom unity we are in reality saying to God, “No, we don’t want your kind of unity. We know best what we need. We’ve got it all worked out, and it’s all taken care of God. Thanks, but no thanks. We’ve got everything under control.” Yet that knawing feeling that things aren’t quite like God really wants them to be, seems to hang over a situation and we simply accept that which is less than God’s best and go on. Often what God allows within our dominion is not desirable within His sovereignty, wisdom, and holiness.

It is the image of God that is always reflected in Godly unity. If any other image is reflected, it isn’t God’s unity. It is a deceptive counterfeit. We must be extremely careful, prayerful, and timely in our discerning if we are to be truly unified as couples, families, churches, organizations, ministries, and communities. Relationships are the vehicles which God uses to create, deliver, establish, grow, develop, and prosper unity.

Self seeking preservation has no place in God’s definitions of security in kingdom leadership. Every precept of God’s holy and divine truths must be sought, accepted, embraced, and life-changing in order for us to be prepared to walk in unity. Our hearts, minds, and wills must be continually transformed by God’s truths in order for God’s will to be done in unity.

The ultimate questions become: Do we thirst? Do we really desire? Are we motivated?

Are we willing to persevere, and sacrifice, and die to what we want? Are we willing to take up the cause of Christ daily and die to ourselves? What will we do? The challenge is ours. He is all we need; and He is everything we must have, and can’t afford to minimize in order for the imperative and priority of unity to be made manifest. Let Christ reign today and may our personal lives, relationships, and ministries prosper the way God really intended for them to be. The call is clear: UNITY IS GOD’S HEART!

Copyright © 2002. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.

Liking Somebody

We all remember the words to the song:

“What the world needs now, is love’s sweet love; it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” Certainly these words are profoundly true.

Then…there are people who run around saying “Love you,” or “Love Ya!” I wonder if they know what they mean, or I don’t know what they mean. People sign the words, “I love you,” to cards of people they send them to, and barely know the person. Am I supposed to feel good getting one from a stranger?

Certainly love can be instantaneous…don’t get me wrong. But to say the words, “I LOVE YOU,” is not a casual occurrence.

Caroline Kennedy recently said, “We need a prosperity of kindness and decency,” in America. In many cases, I think the kind and decent thing to do is NOT tell someone you love them, particularly if you don’t understand the responsibility involved in loving. The power of the tongue brings forth DEATH or LIFE.

People have been devastated by believing the words, “I love you,” only to find out later someone had used them, abused them, manipulated them, exploited them, and love had nothing to do with any of it.

Some people just enjoy watching you, believe that you are loved by them, while all the taker wants is the attention.

Why tell someone you love them, when you don’t even know how to like them? It certainly has nothing to do with honoring the other person. Why tell someone you love them, when you’re not willing to pay the price to love them? Love isn’t a cheap commodity you suddenly acquire with ease. If you think it is, you have let yourself be deceived. Do you even know my love language? Do you love me from your perspective, or mine?

AND….how can you love me, if you don’t have a clue how to like me? The art and science of friendship continues to erode in American life. The quality of our relationships is being measured by our internet savvy, cell phone multi-tasking, group speed-dating, and appointment book management. “Let’s see…Thursday night I’m free from 8-10. That will give us quality time together. I won’t be free for another three weeks babe. Then maybe we can take a vacation.”

So much for, “Hello, Dolly. Well hello…. Dolly. It’s so nice to have you back where you belong.”

Americans have settled for being disconnected and think they are contented. Some actually believe relationships are easier. I don’t buy it. If you want a dollar store relationship, that’s all you’ll get. Counterfeit relationships are more often produced than counterfeit dollar bills. The interesting thing is dollar bills that aren’t legal, are more frequently recognized than phony relationships.

Liking someone starts with desire, motivation and genuineness. Are you aware of the other person, and are they aware of you? Are you available to like someone, and are they available to like you? Are you accessible? Are you really “there” in the relationship? Are you “PRESENT,” or are your heart and your head somewhere else? You can’t begin to give a healthy response to any kind of relationship, if it means anything at all without starting with the basics. Truth, honesty, respect, caring, sharing, and oh yes….kindness and decency. I think maybe this might be a good place to start “LIKING SOMEBODY.”

Copyright © 2007. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.

The Crucifixion of Christ: As Seen Through the Eyes of A Medical Doctor

(Based on an article taken from the JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, by Dr. William D. Edwards)

It is easy for us to thank God for the gift of Jesus Christ. In fact, we say it many times without even thinking about it. This Easter, take some time to reflect on the gravity of the pain and suffering Jesus Christ endured for you. As you read the explanation of the crucifixion below, you will begin to truly understand the great love Jesus has for you. He was willing to die the most horrible of deaths so that you might live forever with Him.

Preparation For The Cross

"Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged Him." John 19:1

Flogging was a legal preliminary to every Roman execution, and only women and Roman senators or soldiers (except in the case of desertion) were exempt. The usual instrument was a short whip with several single or braided leather thongs of variable lengths, in which small iron balls or sharp pieces of sheep bones were tied at intervals. Occasionally, staves were also used.

For scourging, the man was stripped of his clothing and his hands were tied to an upright post. The back, buttocks, and legs were flogged either by two soldiers or by one who alternated positions. The scourging was intended to weaken the victim to a state of just short of collapse or of death.

After the scourging, the soldiers often taunted their victim. As the Roman soldiers repeatedly struck the victim's back with full force, the iron balls would cause deep contusions, and the leather thongs and sheep bones would cut into the skin and subcutaneous tissues. As the flogging continued, the lacerations would tear into the underlying skeletal muscles and produce quivering ribbons of bleeding flesh. Pain and blood loss generally set the stage for circulatory shock. The extent of the blood may well have determined how long the victim would survive on the cross.

Then, Jesus was severely whipped. (Although the severity of the scourging is not discussed in the four gospel accounts, it is implied in one of the epistles, 1 Peter 2:24.) It is not known whether the number of lashes was limited to 39, in accordance with Jewish law. When it was determined by the centurion in charge that the prisoner was near death, the beating was finally stopped. The half-fainting Jesus was then untied and allowed to slump to the stone pavement, wet with His own blood.

The Humiliation of Our Lord

The Roman soldiers saw a great joke in this provincial Jew claiming to be a King. They threw a robe across His shoulders and placed a stick in His hand. They still needed a crown to make their travesty complete. A small bundle of flexible branches covered with long thorns was plaited into the shape of a crown and was pressed into His scalp. Again, there was copious bleeding, the scalp being one of the most vascular areas of the body.

After mocking Him and striking Him across the face, the soldiers took the stick from His hand and struck Him across the head, driving the thorns deeper into His scalp. Finally, they tired of their sadistic sport and the robe was torn from His back. This had already become adherent to the clots of blood and serum in the wounds, and its removal, just as in the careless removal of a surgical bandage, caused excruciating pain, almost as though He were again being whipped-and the wounds again began to bleed. In deference to Jewish custom, the Romans returned His garments.

The Road To Calvary

The heavy horizontal beam of the cross was tied across His shoulders, and the procession of the condemned Christ, two thieves, and the execution party walked along the Via Dolorosa.

In spite of His efforts to walk erect, the weight of the heavy wooden beam, together with the shock produced by the copious blood loss, was too much. He stumbled and fell. The rough wood of the beam gouged into the lacerated skin and muscles of his shoulders. He tried to rise, but His muscles had been pushed beyond their endurance.

The centurion, anxious to get on with the crucifixion, selected Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross. Jesus followed, still bleeding and sweating the cold, clammy sweat of shock. The 650 yard journey from the fortress Antonia to Golgotha was finally completed. Jesus was once again stripped of his clothes-except for a loincloth, which was allowed.

The Crucifixion Begins

Jesus was offered wine mixed with myrrh, a mild analgesic mixture. He refused to drink. Simon was ordered to place the cross beam on the ground, and Jesus was quickly thrown backward with His shoulders against the wood. The legionnaire felt for the depression at the front of the wrist. He drove a heavy, square, wrought-iron nail through His wrist and deep into the wood.

Quickly, he moved to the other side and repeated the action, being careful not to pull the arms too tightly, but allow some flexibility and movement. The beam was then lifted in place at the top of the vertical beam with the title reading "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews," and nailed in place.

"And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left." Luke 23:33

The Death of Jesus

Jesus Christ was now crucified. As He slowly sagged down and more weight was on the nails in the wrist, excruciating, fiery pain shot along His fingers and arms to explode in His brain. The nails in His wrists were putting pressure on the median nerves. As He pushed Himself upward to avoid this stretching torment, He placed His full weight on the nail through His feet. Again, there was the searing agony of the nail tearing through the nerves between the metatarsal bones of His feet. At this point, another phenomenon occurred. As His arms fatigued, great waves of cramps swept over the muscles, knotting them in deep, relentless throbbing pain. With these cramps came the inability to push Himself upward. Hanging by His arms, the pectoral muscles were paralyzed and intercostal muscles were unable to act. Air could be drawn into the lungs, but He could not exhale.

Jesus fought to raise Himself in order to get even one short breath. Finally, carbon dioxide built up in the lungs and in the blood stream, and the cramps partially subsided. Spasmodically, He was able to push Himself upward to exhale and bring in the life-giving oxygen. It was undoubtedly during these periods that He uttered the seven short sentences which were recorded in the Bible.

He suffered hours of this limitless pain, cycles of twisting, joint-rending cramps, intermittent partial asphyxiation, searing pain as tissue was torn from His lacerated back as He moved up and down against the rough timber. Then another agony began. A deep crushing pain in His chest as His pericardium slowly filled with serum and began to compress His heart.

It was now almost over. The loss of tissue fluids had reached a critical level…..the compressed heart was struggling to pump heavy, thick, sluggish blood into the tissues….tortured lungs were making a frantic effort to gasp in small gulps of air. The markedly dehydrated tissues sent their flood to stimuli His brain.

His mission of atonement had been completed. Finally He could allow His body to die. With one last surge of strength, He once again pressed His torn feet against the nail, straightened His legs, took a deeper breath and uttered His seventh and last cry, “Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit:” (Luke 23:46)

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About Me

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Committed to my faith in God, well-educated, believe in truth,loyalty, honesty, decency, integrity, fairness, romance, sharing, caring, giving, wisdom, that we all have a desire to find our soul-mates and the power of genuine love to change the impossible within ourselves, each other and the world. Three questions we all must answer: 1-What is my true desire? 2-What will it take to keep me motivated? and 3-Am I willing to pay the price? "We will only gain the priceless when we are willing to surrender the worthless." (David Hammock) David is the Founder, President & CEO of Revivals For America, Inc. which began in 1995, which has 14 different ministry operations. Invitations have been extended by 36 countries to share a message of hope. He has been read now in more than 60 countries as his work continues to span the globe.